Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Oh man...I'm so glad it's the home opener. Becks takes the ball against Seattle today. I love baseball season. It's still hockey season here in the B-lo though. I keep running into friends who want to know what I'm doing for the game Thursday...I keep thinking they're talking about baseball when they're not. I'm definitely pumped to see Buffalo sweep NY. We're firing on all cylinders, Max and Timmy are back. Hopefully Connolly doesn't break his brain again this post season. But I can't think about that right now, not until Thursday.

Is anyone else sick of the Matsuzaka-Ichiro hype? Big whoop, they're both Japanese. Move on people, let the kid throw some strikes and we'll call it a day.

And you should get this kid on your fantasy team: last night, geoff siener went 5 for 5 with 3HR, one of which was a granny. 10 RBIs, and though I didn't see it, a diving catch that I am assured is web gems worthy. ESPN called and everything. I, of course, refused to take their calls on principle...I really miss Harold. Any way, this kid is amazing. Too bad it was only a softball game. But he played like a beast nonetheless.

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