Thursday, June 28, 2007

Summer at Last!

Well, I am finally done with school and can devote more time to the daily postings. Some baseball thoughts...

...anyone else worried about Julio Lugo (pronounced Jewel-io when he's slumping like this)? He's currently batting .191. Is it possible that Dustin Pedroia is the only member of the team who weighs less than that?

...I have said it a million times, I will now say it again. Josh Beckett is a frickin beast.

...Which leads me to my next point. Don't you think it's possible that, just as joshy needed some time to adjust to a different league, dice-k, too, will only get better with time? It would help, of course, if DIce-K wasn't the new Tim Wakefield. We have something like 7 runs over the kid's last three starts. That ain't right, boys...that just ain't right. friend sean goes to yale.

...How much do you love that the Yankees just keep on sucking?

...Iget nervous about all the names I am hearing in trades. Mark Buerhle is not work giving up Jacoby Ellsbury, Clay Bucholz, why does Theo keep thinking like...I can't even say it. But we don't need no stinkin Buerhle. The Yankees can have him, the guy is pretty easy to hit...especialy this year. We certainly don't need to be in the running for a superstar on the decline.

...Speaking of which, good thing the Yankees spent all that money on the Rocket.

I love baseball.

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