Saturday, June 9, 2007

Some Interleague Thoughts...

...remember when Bronson Arroyo had a better average than half his team?

...Do you think it's possible that the sox threw the game against oakland just to boost Lenny's confidence? I the only one who's tired of hearing about the Rocket's tired groin? He knew what he was getting into when he chased andy to NY. Let's consider a few things: The Rocket can only pitch six innings. i know I'm no genius of math, but this means that the weak bullpen still needs to get 9 outs. And a lot can happen on the way to 9 outs. And he beat the Pirates. It's not like he was pitching against the Mets, the Braves, some real hitters. I'm not impressed.

...they showed the Yankees dugout applauding when schill gave up a hit in his no-no attempt the other day. Tell me the rivalry means more to "us" than it does to them. Please. At least the A's fans were classy.

...I love David Ortiz. There's really no other way to say it.

...I have strong feelings about Mike Lowell's beard remaining its natural grayish color. News Flash: Mike, you're kind of hot. Fake black dye is so unattractive on a man. Don't be that guy. And start wearing high socks. That is all.

...Dice-K looked good in his last start, too bad we couldn't be productive offensively. He takes on the big unit tomorrow. I hope the little guy is ready. He needs some good starts.

...could kevin youkilis be a better hitter? honestly, this guy gets better and better. 5 years down the road, if this keeps up, he'll be leaping tall buildings in a single bound. And I'll be there to say I told you so.

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